Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Ahhh. LOVE.
Denver was amazing. Denver is amazing
It is filled with SO much of everything, everywhere you turn there is something to do, something yummy to eat, something yummy to drink, something yummy to look at... <3 it's just a yummy place to be!! Josh & I decided to go there for our anniversary get-a-way... it wasn't too far to drive to, wouldn't be too expensive to go to, & a place we had never been together.. I am so glad we picked that place.
We stayed at The Burnsley Hotel

I didn't get many pictures while we were there, funny thing is.. I brought our big good camera, took it up to the room.... because I knew we would be using it right?... Well get home from the trip, unpack... ask Josh.. uhhh where is the camera?.. It was in our hotel room, in the same spot where we had left it when we had UN PACKED when we ARRIVED at the hotel.. yep, it wasn't touched once... luckily our camera is home safe and the hotel shipped it safely to us!! <3 WHEW!!
Our hotel was very nice & our room was HUGE.. it was like an apartment :-)

The first night we got there we went to a nuggets basketball game which was a blast. We both had never been to a live game before.. & we were VIP seating!!

We did a brew tour the next day, which was for the hubs, obv.
So I was a total sport in this... if you know me at all, I am NOT a beer drinker, in fact I am known to try and drink beer with a straw, or put ice in it.. to TRY & drink it.. haha I can choke down a cidar or a hot rod from 3 rivers, but I am not that into beer... and we went to 4 brew places, and sampled 4 at each place... for real.
and one question they asked in front of everyone, in a giant circle, what is your fav beer?
shoot me now.

I should get the wife award for this one.
I will go ahead and nominate myself now.

I will just jumble all the pictures now.
The rest of the weekend was followed with shopping, food, and spa :)
oh and SLEEP.
yes a 3 hour nap.
I will blog about our finds again in a new post since this is getting to be too long & i am sleepy.

blog title?

I have yet to blog about our (meaning Josh & mine, Josh & I) well whatever, our trip.. our ANNIVERSARY trip to Denver,Co!! <3  However, here are some pictures to catch up on.

I love fresh new manicures. My husband ( yes, go ahead & laugh) usually does my polish changes for me... he is wayyy better at nail polishing than I am :) however, it is nice to head to the nail shop every now & again to have a deep down & dirty get all the nasty cuticle stuff out manicure :) & that is what I had today. Along side with one of my good friends & her daughters, and my daughter <3 Girls day out!!

&& of course it is ALWAYS nice to get your ring nice & clean :)

It is nice to get away to Durango, Co.. which is a short 45 min drive.. We go to the doctor up there usually so we make a day out of it, either with the kiddos, husband, or mamma- Depending on who I am with, is what we do.. Mamma=shopping :) Here is the gear for the shopping day :)
2 things are new which I purchased in Denver :) I will blog about them later

& a messy hair day at work calls for a headband day
and some hrh jewlery paired with a lia sophia necklace my mom got me.
I say "messy" hair, but I love wearing headbands, I would wear these everyday if I could, but I can't tell every client every day I am having a dirty hair day... haha ;)


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Picture Catch up.

These sparkle pants are kinda my new fav <3 I purchased them at this cute place in Durango, Co called Silk Sparrow :). Black Flats from Tj Maxx & just black flowy shirt from TJ Maxx as well... paired with a solid brown belt.
When I saw these at TJ, my mom looked at my like I was crazy... she said they looked "old lady" ...right then, I knew they were for me :)

Knee High socks from Silk Sparrow
Flower dress from Ross
Belt from Express
Blazer from Silk Sparrow
Jewlery @ hrhcollection.com

Boots & Leggins.
my favorite things about winter :)